8. Further steps
8.1. Alternate shapes. To open up the field for further research I experimented with some other shapes. The first group is a special set of star shaped polyhedra. The objects are constructed by applying a certain transformation to the octahedron, the cube and the dodecahedron. All three shapes can be assembled with a kind of pyramid shape. In each object the separate pieces will slide towards the center at the same time.
Figure 46a,b,c: A octahedron - six pieces
Figure 47a,b: A cube - eight pieces
Figure 48a,b: A dodecahedron - twenty pieces
8.2. Escher's star - Rhombic star. Besides other shapes of the pieces also other types of movements can be studied to find new possibilities. The 12-pointed star that M.C. Escher uses in his print "Gravitation" [3] can be made from 12 flat pentagonal shapes. The question is whether it is possible to slide the pieces together to become the complete star. I decided to study the rhombic version of the 12-pointed star and found out that it was even possible to create an object with smaller holes then M.C. Escher used. The Rhombic star can be made as a slide together structure. But now we have to slide the pieces together not only by translation but we also have to rotate the pieces during the translation. It is a nice spiraling movement, which brings all the pieces smoothly together to a 12-pointed rhombic star. And in a way this brings us back to the beginning where as apart from the moving aspect there is a clear connection between this object and some of George Hart's sculptures [4].
Figure 49: M.C. Escher's 12-pointed star
Figure 50a,b,c: The 12-pointed rhombic star
[1] George W. Hart, "Slide-Together" Geometric Paper Constructions, Workshop at Bridges 2004, http://www.georgehart.com
[2] H.S.M. Coxeter, Twelve geometric Essays, Southern Illinois University Press 1968
[3] M.C. Escher, Grafiek en Tekeningen, van Tijl 1972
[4] George W. Hart, Sculpture from Symmetrically Arranged Planar Components, ISAMA-Bridges 2003
Special thanks to Tom Longtin for helping me with the realization of some of the models.