6.1. Entwined ring structures. Another area of entwined circular rings, worth investigating, has arisen. The steps taken in Figure 20, 21 can be applied on other similar tiling patterns, as can be seen in Figures 22 and 23.
Figure 22: Threefold symmetrie
Figure 23: Sixfold symmetrie
6.2. Cylindrical sets. The entwined circular ring structure can be seen as a concatenation of cylindrical sets of six rings (Figure 24). In a way these sets are the basic elements of the total structure. This brings us to another way of composing new entwined circular ring structures. The entwined circular ring structure of Figure 25 is made out of cylindrical sets of 8 rings.
Figure 24: Cylindrical sets.
Figure 25: Entwined circular ring structure.
6.3. Coloring. In these ring structures we can also use colors to distinguish subsets. Escher mainly used colors in a way that entwined rings would never have the same color. In this particular group of entwined ring structures I will follow another rule. In these structures strings of rings can be emphasized by coloring. And when we do this we see that the structure in a matter of fact is an entwined chain structure.